2018 hasn't been a good year for volatility funds. In February there was a feedback driven catastrophe in the implied volatility space. The details are less important than the result. A lot of volatility funds lost more than 30% in the month and one of the largest funds lost over 80% in a day. The last few months have also been tricky. Equity markets have been more volatile than expected, but the bigger problems have been in the commodity space. In particular, crude oil and natural gas have been, to quote a very experienced trader, "****** unbelievably ****** insane! Like ****! Seriously dude. ****!". And you may have seen a sad youtube video where a hedge fund manager tearfully apologizes to his clients for losing all of their money due to the "rogue wave" in the natural gas market. I'm not dancing on anyone's grave. I hate to see a business fail and I hate to see investors lose money. But there are also some important lessons here. February e...
To be able to trade volatility we need to understand it, particularly the interplay between clustering and mean reversion. Most of the predictability of volatility is due to one of these two features.